The tasty shop with the finest view!
Almost right on the sandy bech at Grisslinge Havsbad you will find Värmdö’s best candy store! We have over 700 different types of super fresh pick & mix candy, imported TikTok news from all over the world, luxury candy baskets, snacks, softdrinks and more.
The store also has a nice ice cream café with, among other things, soft ice cream and scoop ice cream from SIA, incredibly good gelato from Vindö Glass, slush, milkshakes and coffee.

Kandyz Värmdö
Grisslinge Havsbad
Skärgårdsvägen 158
139 36 VÄRMDÖ
Opening hours:
Måndag – Söndag: 11-20
Telefonnummer: 08-425 040 02
E-post: varmdo@kandyz.se