Experience the Joy of Pick and Mix Candy
44 stores around Sweden

Up to 1,000 Varieties of Candy
Sweet, sour, salty, hard, soft, chewy… At Kandyz, you can find up to 1,000 different kinds of pick and mix candy. So come and create the perfect mix of your favorite flavors.

Turn Sweet Treats into New Taste Experiences
Download the MyStamp app and collect points on all your future purchases at your Kandyz store. Use these points to enjoy a world of pick and mix candy. Have stamps saved from before? Talk to our store staff, and they will help you convert them into points. Full terms and conditions can be found in the MyStamp app.

Make Someone Happy with a Candy Gift
Birthdays, kids’ parties, celebrations, Easter, Christmas, or Halloween… There are occasions all year round when a candy gift is perfect. We offer everything from classic candy bags to delightful seasonal packages. You can even order pre-packed candy for events like kids’ parties. Of course, we also offer gift cards. Who do you want to make happy today